Eucalyptus nutans
red-flowered moort

Very similar to E. platypus – indeed, E. platypus subsp. nutans is a synonym – but with red flowers instead of yellow-green, this small tree or marlock hails from a few very restricted localities in southern coastal Western Australia.
Its pleasantly rounded crown, modest height, and oval-shaped leaves would easily fit into small gardens – many would not even think it to be a eucalypt. Perhaps this is a good thing.
Our one campus specimen was removed summer 2017 due to constrution. It graced the Eucalyput Walk on Campus Drive East, half way between Serra Street and Escondido Road, leaning slightly over the pathway (map pin). Its dazzling red stamens tipped with yellow anthers led Dr Matt Ritter of Cal Poly to christen it the ‘Stanford Red’ cultivar.
The name E. cernua is often misapplied to this species.

Related material: Eucalyptus checklist.
About this Entry: Sairus Patel authored this entry Dec 2017.