Eucalyptus bridgesiana apple box
Resemblance of the gray furrowed bark to that of the apple tree gives this tree its name. However, it is a tall forest tree rising with a straight bole to the lofty branches, which are also rough-barked but end in smooth and peeling branchlets.
See a grove of ten southwest of the intersection of Arboretum Road and Lasuen Street, including one that is vigorously sprouting from a stump. Another specimen reported to be east of the Mausoleum was not found.
The buds are in umbels of seven; the valves of the fruit protrude. When found on the ground one or more capsules are usually missing. The leaves, the same green color on both sides, are narrow, 1.5–2.5 cm wide and up to 20 cm long. Note the finely scalloped edges of the juvenile leaves.
This species is placed in the seemingly heterogeneous Series Viminales, including other campus eucalypts E. viminalis, the type, E. globulus, E. macarthurii, E. gunnii, E. cinera, and E. pulverulenta.
Illustrations: Eucalyptus bridgesiana gallery.
Related material: Eucalypus Checklist.
About this Entry: The main text of this entry is from the book Trees of Stanford and Environs, by Ronald Bracewell, published 2005. John Rawlings subsequently extended the notes on leaves and fruit; series ref. Fl. Australia, 19:344 (1988). Minor edits, location of grove corrected; all locations verified (Jul 2020, SP).