Encyclopedia of Stanford Trees, Shrubs & Vines
- Altingiaceae, sweetgum family
- Liquidambar, sweetgums
- Anacardiaceae, cashew family
- Apocynaceae, dogbane family
- Aquifoliaceae, holly family
- Ilex, hollies
- Araceae, arum family
- Araliaceae, ivy family
- Araucariaceae, araucaria family
- Arecaceae, palm family
- Asparagaceae, asparagus family
- Asphodelaceae, asphodel family
- Aloe
- Aloidendron, tree aloes
- Phormium
- Xanthorrhoea
- Asteraceae, sunflower family
- Berberidaceae, barberry family
- Betulaceae, birch family
- Bignoniaceae, bignonia family
- Boraginaceae, borage family
- Buxaceae, box family
- Buxus, boxes
- Sarcococca
- Cactaceae, cactus family
- Calycanthaceae, spicebush family
- Campanulaceae, bellflower family
- Cannabaceae, cannabis family
- Celtis, hackberries
- Caprifoliaceae, honeysuckle family
- Abelia
- Lonicera, honeysuckles
- Symphoricarpos
- Casuarinaceae, she-oak family
- Allocasuarina, other she-oaks
- Casuarina, she-oaks
- Celastraceae, staff tree family
- Cistaceae, rock-rose family
- Convolvulaceae, morning glory family
- Cornaceae, dogwood family
- Cornus, dogwoods
- Cunoniaceae, butterspoon family
- Cupressaceae, cypress family
- Calocedrus
- Chamaecyparis, false cypresses
- Cryptomeria
- Cupressus, cypresses
- Hesperocyparis, Western cypresses
- Juniperus, junipers
- Metasequoia
- Platycladus
- Sequoia
- Sequoiadendron
- Taxodium, bald cypresses
- Thuja
- Cyatheaceae, scaly tree fern family
- Cycadaceae, cycad family
- Ebenaceae, ebony family
- Diospyros, persimmons
- Elaeagnaceae, oleaster family
- Elaeagnus, oleasters
- Elaeocarpaceae, elaeocarpus family
- Ericaceae, heath family
- Escalloniaceae, escallonia family
- Euphorbiaceae, spurge family
- Fabaceae, pea family
- Acacia, acacias
- Albizia
- Bauhinia
- Caesalpinia
- Cassia
- Castanospermum
- Ceratonia
- Cercis, redbuds
- Cytisus
- Erythrina, coral trees
- Genista
- Gleditsia
- Gymnocladus
- Laburnum
- Neltuma, mesquites
- Paraserianthes
- Parkinsonia, palo verdes
- Pickeringia
- Psoralea
- Robinia
- Schizolobium
- Spartium
- Styphnolobium
- Tipuana
- Wisteria
- Fagaceae, beech or oak family
- Castanea
- Fagus, beeches
- Notholithocarpus
- Quercus, oaks
- Fouquieriaceae, ocotillo family
- Garryaceae, silktassel family
- Ginkgoaceae, ginkgo family
- Griseliniaceae, griselinia family
- Grossulariaceae, gooseberry family
- Ribes, currants and gooseberries
- Hamamelidaceae, witch hazel family
- Hydrangeaceae, hydrangea family
- Hypericaceae, St. John’s wort family
- Lamiaceae, mint family
- Lauraceae, laurel family
- Cinnamomum
- Laurus, laurels
- Persea
- Umbellularia
- Lythraceae, loosestrife family
- Magnoliaceae, magnolia family
- Liriodendron
- Magnolia, magnolias
- Michelia
- Talauma
- Malvaceae, mallow family
- Melastomataceae, melastoma family
- Meliaceae, mahogany family
- Moraceae, mulberry family
- Myricaceae, sweetgale family
- Myrtaceae, myrtle family
- Agonis
- Angophora
- Babingtonia
- Callistemon
- Corymbia, bloodgums
- Eucalyptus, eucalyptus
- Feijoa
- Leptospermum
- Lophostemon
- Luma
- Melaleuca
- Metrosideros
- Myrtus
- Psidium
- Syzygium
- Tristaniopsis
- Namaceae, nama family
- Nyctaginaceae, four o’clock family
- Nyssaceae, tupelo family
- Oleaceae, olive family
- Papaveraceae, poppy family
- Passifloraceae, passionfruit family
- Paulowniaceae, paulownia family
- Phrymaceae, lopseed family
- Pinaceae, pine family
- Abies, firs
- Cedrus, cedars
- Keteleeria
- Larix, larches
- Picea, spruces
- Pinus, pines
- Pseudotsuga
- Pittosporaceae, pittosporum family
- Hymenosporum
- Pittosporum, pittosporums
- Sollya
- Plantaginaceae, plantain family
- Platanaceae, plane tree family
- Platanus, planes
- Plumbaginaceae, leadwort family
- Poaceae, grass family
- Podocarpaceae, podocarpus family
- Polygalaceae, milkwort family
- Primulaceae, primrose family
- Proteaceae, protea family
- Quillajaceae, soapbark family
- Ranunculaceae, buttercup family
- Rhamnaceae, buckthorn family
- Rosaceae, rose family
- Adenostoma
- Amelanchier
- Cercocarpus
- Chaenomeles
- Cotoneaster
- Crataegus, hawthorns
- Cydonia
- Eriobotrya
- Heteromeles
- Holodiscus
- Lyonothamnus
- Malus
- Oemleria
- Photinia
- Physocarpus
- Prunus, plums and allies
- Pyrus, pears
- Rhaphiolepis
- Rosa
- Rubus
- Spiraea
- Rubiaceae, madder family
- Rutaceae, rue or citrus family
- Salicaceae, willow family
- Sapindaceae, soapberry family
- Acer, maples
- Aesculus, buckyes and horse-chestnuts
- Alectryon
- Cupaniopsis
- Dodonaea
- Koelreuteria
- Saxifragaceae, saxifrage family
- Scrophulariaceae, figwort family
- Simaroubaceae, quassia family
- Solanaceae, nightshade family
- Strelitziaceae, bird-of-paradise family
- Tamaricaceae, tamarisk family
- Tamarix, tamarisks
- Taxaceae, yew family
- Theaceae, tea family
- Thymelaeaceae, stringbark family
- Verbenaceae, vervain family
- Viburnaceae, viburnum family
- Viscaceae, mistletoe family
For phylogenetic relationships among flowerings plants, see the Angiosperm Phylogeny Website, hosted by the Missouri Botanical Garden, which has been regularly updated since 2001.