Eucalyptus paniculata gray ironbark
As you walk north on Lasuen Mall from Campus Drive East toward El Camino Real passing well-spaced blue gums but just before you reach the vernal pond on the right, you will see two old gray gums on the left (map pin). The bark is rough and dark but the leaves are too narrow for a blue gum, though possibly indicative of an iron bark. However, the fallen fruit exhibit the terminal panicles of sevenfold clusters of buds or fruits (one or two frequently missing particularly when in fruit) characteristic of the gray gum. There are a couple of more gray gums beyond in the general direction of the intersection of Palm Drive and Arboretum, including a majestic one with several trunks (map pin).
This uncommon organization of the fruit may be compared with that of a branchlet of E. polyanthemos, nearby, which also exhibits a paniculate inflorescence. Most of the eucalyptus on campus usually bear their flowers in axillary and terminal umbels or, in the case of the ubiquitous blue gums, bear single, rather large flowers.
Illustrations: E. paniculata gallery.
Related material: Eucalyptus checklist.
About this Entry: The main text of this entry is from the book Trees of Stanford and Environs, by Ronald Bracewell, published 2005. John Rawlings subsequently added a few notes on eucalypt flowers and fruits. Light edits; multi-trunk location added; all locations verified (Jul 2020, SP). Minor edit (Jun 2024, SP).