Eucalyptus cylindrocarpa
woodline mallee
A very attractive specimen is on Raimundo Way on the rise opposite Wing Place. The bark is smooth, has a sheen, and is a light warm color. The leaves are more than 10 times longer than their ⅜ inch width, which gives the canopy a special appearance. Compare with the dark-barked, narrow-leaved peppermints E. nicholii on Raimundo opposite Cottrell Way.
The ripe flower buds have a cylindrical calyx tube (less than ¼ inch in diameter and twice as long) that narrows slightly at its upper end, where there is a darker ring; the conical operculum is about as long as the calyx tube. The bud shape sets this tree off from the other campus eucalypts.
This specimen was misidentified as E. salubris, gimlet, in Trees of Stanford and Environs. A second gimlet specimen was noted at the east end of Esplanada Way near the Chinese tallow trees. No eucalpyt could be found at that location in May, 2018, so its identity remains uncertain. E. salubris has buds with obtusely conical opercula and fruit with exserted valves; E. cylindrocarpa on the other hand has beaked or conical opercula and its valves are enclosed or near the rim level of the fruit.
Related material: Eucalyptus checklist.
About this Entry: The main text of this entry is from the E. salubris entry of the book Trees of Stanford and Environs, by Ronald Bracewell, published 2005. Sairus Patel added the misidentification notes Dec 2017 and May 2018.