Eucalyptus nicholii willow-leaved peppermint
A well-behaved small tree that does not drop its dark, matted bark, and drops only tiny fruit. The short, narrow leaves, which have a distinctive aroma, disappear into ground cover.
A plantation of 17 lines two sides of the triangular island formed by Pasteur Drive splitting near Welch Road. See five specimens on the Raimundo Way embankment opposite Cottrell Way, slightly towards Wing Place. Three remain of eight planted around 2000 along the north side of Green Library’s Bing Wing. Lost are young ones on Campus Drive East fronting the Taube Tennis Center. One noted on the Peter Coutts embankment (south side) between Stanford Avenue and Raimundo Way could not be located. Two young trees are in the Bonair Siding parking lot near the E. pellita (UTM 10S 0574428 4142601).
For nearby mature trees go to 550 Oxford Street at Staunton Street, Palo Alto, where you will find a delightful group of three and a Canary Island date palm, all planted in close proximity.
Illustrations: branchlet | branchlet | fruit.
Related material: Eucalyptus checklist.
About this Entry: The main text of this entry is from the book Trees of Stanford and Environs, by Ronald Bracewell, published 2005. John Rawlings subsequently added the Bonair Siding locations. Sairus Patel added Pasteur Drive locations, noted removals; all locations up-to-date (Jul 2020).