Species Lost

This is a preliminary checklist of species lost from the central campus and arboretum area. The Source column indicates which sources had noted the species. (The 2024 update includes specimens noted in the faculty residential area when determining species status.)

Species to watch, i.e. species very rare on campus, are also noted. Sometimes campus lost a species but regained it years later; these cases are also noted.

  • The checklist was created 28 May 2003 by John Rawlings, using the various sources noted in the Source legend below.
  • The checklist was updated 28 July 2024 by Sairus Patel. The status of the species was noted by the colored indicators. TOS24 was added as a source reference in the legend. The latest accepted scientific names of some plants were noted. No additional plants were added to the list, however. For example, the last Picea orientalis specimen on campus was removed in early 2024, but since the species did not appear in historical sources used, it is not mentioned on this list.

Species status legend:
As of July 2024 survey (TOS24):
πŸ”΄ = Lost.
🟠 = To watch or rare (1 or 2 specimens).
🟒 = Had been indicated as lost or rare but has been replanted or found (3 or more specimens).

Source legend:
AW38 = Wilson, Albert. 1938. Distinctive Trees, Shrubs, and Vines in the Gardens of the San Francisco Peninsula. PDF available.
GGG09 = Dudley, William. 1909. The Gymnosperms Growing on the Grounds of Stanford University.
GGG13 = Abrams, L.R. 1913. The Gymnosperms Growing on the Grounds of Stanford University. Stanford Univ. Publications. Univ. Series, vol. 11 (Dudley Memorial Volume). Revision of Prof. Dudley’s 1909 checklist.
GGG50s = 195? The Gymnosperms Growing on the Grounds of Stanford University. Revision of nomenclature in Prof. Abrams’ 1913 edition, after Bailey, 1949.
FA37 = Planting Guide Laurence Frost Memorial Amphitheatre. 1937.
FA56 = MacDonald, W. M. 1956. A Preliminary Check List of the Cultivated Woody Plants of Frost Amphitheater, Stanford University.
IQ55 = MacDonald, W. M. 1955. Check List of the Trees and Shrubs of the Inner Quad.
RB73 = Bracewell, Ron. 1973. Trees on the Stanford Campus: an invitation to contribute.
RB84 = Bracewell, Ron. 1984. Trees on the Stanford Campus.
RB03 = Bracewell, Ron. 2005. Trees of Stanford and Environs. Stanford: Stanford Historical Society.
SSHT77 = Parker, William. 1977. Some Stanford Heritage Trees. Updated by Karen Stidd, Arborist, Carol Sweetapple, Horticulturalist, October, 2001.
THD = Thomas H. Douglas. 1889–1891. Daily Journal. Archives SC 195. THD in the notes column indicates species was either propagated in the nursery or transplanted from the Stanford residence.
TOS84 = Bartholomew, Karen. 1984. From avocados to zelkovas: A sampler of Stanford trees. Campus Report, Nov. 14.
TOS24 = Patel, Sairus survey of July 2024; also recorded in the Trees of Stanford website (trees.stanford.edu).
WHTW77 = Wilbur Hall Tree Walk, May, 1977.

Species Source Notes
πŸ”΄ Abies balsamea RB73, RB84 No location provided
πŸ”΄ Abies cephalonica GGG09, GGG13, GGG50s
πŸ”΄ Abies firma GGG50s syn. A. momi
πŸ”΄ Abies grandis GGG09, GGG13, GGG50s
πŸ”΄ Abies nordmanniana GGG09, GGG13, FA37, FA56, GGG50s
πŸ”΄ Abies numidica GGG50s
πŸ”΄ Acacia armata RB73, RB84
🟒 Acacia cultriformis RB73, RB84, TOS24 TOS24 note: Indicated as lost in 2003 survey. It reappeared in 2020 at EVGR, in abundance.
πŸ”΄ Acacia pravissima RB73, RB84
πŸ”΄ Acacia verticillata RB73, RB84
πŸ”΄ Acer circinatum FA56, RB84 Fallen Leaf Lake; no longer known on campus
πŸ”΄ Acer ginnala FA56, RB03 Indicated as lost in 2003 survey. Replanted in 2004 in green belt off Junipero Serra Blvd, 150 yards N. of Stanford Ave; 6 trees (RB03). Noted as lost again in TOS24.
πŸ”΄ Acer pseudoplatanus RB73, RB84, RB03 2003 survey note: Watch, drought stress. TOS24 note: Locations in RB03 (north of Frost near Lasuen) are likely the pair of Acer saccharum at that spot. Thus this species is considered lost.
πŸ”΄ Aesculus octandra RB03, RB84 2003 survey note: Transplanted, doing poorly. TOS24 note: Lost when Bing Concert Hall was constructed.
πŸ”΄ Agathis dammara GGG13, GGG50s, SSHT77 Planted 1910, Prof. Durand’s garden, 634 Mayfield Ave. Syn. A. alba, A. loranthifolia.
🟠 Alectryon excelsus RB73, SSHT77, RB84, RB03, TOS24 2003 survey notes: New planting 2003 (in the corner between the fronts of Durand and Skilling, to the right of the Durand steps, to the left of the Skilling patio) removed in error during a building project. Planting by D.S. Jordan near Serra House in 1893 was lost before 2000 because of road realignment.
TOS24 note: Two specimens do exist.
πŸ”΄ Amorphophallus rivierei AW38 Devil’s Tongue, old Stanford Residence
πŸ”΄ Aralia spinosa AW38 538 Mayfield
πŸ”΄ Araucaria angustifolia GGG09, GGG13, GGG50s  
🟒 Araucaria heterophylla GGG09, GGG13, GGG50s, TOS24 2003 survey note: Currently only known as potted plant in Green Library, and two in outdoor planters, Wilbur Hall.
TOS24 note: 3 trees are in the ground; see website.
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana    
πŸ”΄ Arctostaphylos tomentosa ssp. crustacea (Arctostaphylos crustacea)   THD propagated from seed and planted on university grounds. Abundant in wild at Jasper Ridge.
🟠 Azara microphylla RB84, TOS24 TOS24 note: campus specimens have come and gone. One remains at Hoover House.
πŸ”΄ Callitris sp. RB84  
πŸ”΄ Carnegia gigantea photographs original planting in Arizona Garden
πŸ”΄ Castanea dentata FA56  
πŸ”΄ Cephalotaxus fortunei GGG09, GGG13, GGG50s  
πŸ”΄ Cephalotaxus harringtonia GGG13, GGG50s   
πŸ”΄ Chamaecyparis pisifera FA37, FA56  
πŸ”΄ Chamaecyparis pisifera β€˜Plumosa’ FA37, FA56  
🟠 Chionanthus virginicus SSHT77, RB84, TOS24 RB03 noted a Quarry Road locationas landscaped away (659 Salvatierra Street backyard location is in dispute, since as of 2024 there is a C. retusus at that spot). Thus considered lost as of 2003 survey. However in 2024 a specimen was planted in the Thomas Church courtyard (TOS24).
πŸ”΄ Crinodendron patagua RB73, RB84  
πŸ”΄ Cunninghamia lanceolata SSHT77  
πŸ”΄ Cupressus goveniana THD, GGG09, GGG13, GGG50s THD
🟠 Cupressus guadalupensis FA56  
πŸ”΄ Cupressus macnabiana GGG09, GGG13, GGG50s  
πŸ”΄ Daphniphyllum macropodum THD  
🟠 Diospyros virginiana FA56, RB03, TOS24 Several old trees in creek corridor are down to one, which is also rapidly declining (TOS24).
🟒 Dracaena draco THD, AW38, RB73, RB84, TOS24 AW includes photo (p. 89) of a dragon tree in outer NE circle of the Inner Quad, which had died prior to 1938. THD had transplanted a number of dragon trees from the Stanford residence to university grounds 1889–1891. A 3-foot tall specimen has been recently planted in the Arizona Garden (Fall 2003). 3 were planted in the Papua New Guinea Sculpture Garden in 2021.
Dracaena sp. IQ55 probably same individuals reported as D. draco. THD
πŸ”΄ Elaeagnus angustifolia FA56  
Eucalypus Checklist    
πŸ”΄ Fagus grandifolia FA37  
πŸ”΄ Firmiana simplex Olmsted 1891 Planting Plan syn. Sterculia platanifolia
🟠 Fouquieria columnaris observation 2003, TOS24 At risk in freezing weather. Transplanted in Arizona Garden in 2000, 2004. One stands today (TOS24).
🟒 Hakea drupacea (syn. H. suaveolens) RB84, TOS24 2003 survey note: Tall specimens were growing at 505 [?] Lasuen Mall on the north side and there was a row on Escondido Rd west of Campus Drive.
A row on Campus Drive median opposite Maples has been discovered (TOS24).
πŸ”΄ Hakea laurina RB84, RB03, AW38 2003 survey note: Several mature trees earlier lost, probably too cold. See on the west side of Raimundo Rd behind 783 Tolman.
None found at Raimundo location (TOS24).
🟒 Hymenosporum flavum WHTW77, RB73, RB84, TOS24 2003 survey notes: In 2002 Grounds planted Hymensporum at the new Humanties Center but both specimens died, and they didn’t have a good source for healthy trees.
557 Mayfield Ave specimen found; other have been planted since (TOS24).
Juniperus species   See the Arizona Garden/Mausoleum Area checklist
πŸ”΄ Kalopanax septemlobus subsp. septemlobus SSHT77 SSHT77 calls this Acanthopanax ricinifolius, syn. Kalopanax pictus var. Maximowiczii.
2003 survey note: There is an unhappy Kalopanax septemlobus in a planter at Grounds office (not found in 2024 survey).
πŸ”΄ Laburnum anagyroides FA37, FA56  
πŸ”΄ Magnolia virginiana FA56 Replanted spring 2003; see Green Library and Law tree maps. Species is lost (TOS24).
πŸ”΄ Michelia figo FA56, RB03 2003 note: Endangered, one tree remains (see Green Library tree map); included in Olmsted’s 1891 planting plan (syn. Magnolia fuscata). Spring 2005: remaining plant had been removed; species is lost.
πŸ”΄ Myrsine australis All Inner Quad list before 1997 (as Suttonia australis).  
🟒 Notholithocarpus densiflorus (syn. Lithocarpus densiflorus) RB73, RB84, TOS24 2003 survey noted as lost. Welch Road specimens discovered (TOS24).
🟠 Parkinsonia aculeata RB73, RB84, TOS24 2003 survey noted as lost. One found in the Arizona Garden (TOS24).
πŸ”΄ Phellodendron amurense FA56  
πŸ”΄ Picea mariana THD THD
πŸ”΄ Picea sitchensis THD, GGG13, GGG50s THD
πŸ”΄ Picea smithiana GGG09, GGG13, GGG50s, SSHT77, TOS84  
πŸ”΄ Picea torana FA37  
πŸ”΄ Pinus banksiana THD THD
πŸ”΄ Pinus cembra GGG13, GGG50s  
πŸ”΄ Pinus contorta ssp. murrayana GGG09, GGG13, GGG50s, RB84 Fallen Leaf Lake; no longer known on campus
πŸ”΄ Pinus edulis GGG13, GGG50s, RB03 Endangered
🟠 Pinus jeffreyi GGG13, GGG50s, RB73, RB84, RB03 One tree on campus
πŸ”΄ Pinus lambertiana GGG13, GGG50s  
πŸ”΄ Pinus monticola THD, GGG13, GGG50s THD
πŸ”΄ Pinus nigra ssp. laricio THD THD
🟠 Pinus patula RB73, RB03, RB84 One tree found in residential area
πŸ”΄ Pinus pinaster GGG09, GGG13, GGG50s THD
πŸ”΄ Pinus pityusa GGG50s Pinus halepensis var. pityusa Stevens.
🟠 Pinus ponderosa THD, GGG09, GGG13, GGG50s, RB73, RB84, RB03 2003 survey note: Endangered, single tree in Arboretum. THD. Two young trees in Lathrop Park, bearing cones.
2024 survey note: Arboretum tree at the precise location in RB03 isn’t present. There is a P. canariensis about a 100 feet northwest of the reported location, however, which at least a couple of people have mistaken for a Ponderosa pine at first glance.
πŸ”΄ Pinus quadrifolia GGG13, GGG50s  
πŸ”΄ Pinus strobus GGG13, GGG50s  
🟠 Pinus sylvestris THD, GGG09, GGG13, FA37, FA56. GGG50s, RB73, RB84 THD. Two young trees in disturbed grassland at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve.
πŸ”΄ Pinus wallichiana THD, GGG13, GGG50s syn. P. excelsa. THD
πŸ”΄ Pistacia vera THD, FA56 THD
πŸ”΄ Pittosporum phillyreoides WHTW77  
πŸ”΄ Platanus occidentalis FA56  
πŸ”΄ Platanus orientalis FA37, RB84  
🟠 Neltuma glandulosa (syn. Prosopis glandulosa) 2002 observation One tree, preserved during Carnegie Institute expansion, 2003
πŸ”΄ Prunus campanulata FA56  
πŸ”΄ Prunus pseudocerasus FA37  
πŸ”΄ Quercus chrysolepsis RB73, RB84 One reported by RB84 NW of Olm Chemistry was removed, as reported in RB03. Jasper Ridge’s specimens are now considered Quercus palmeri (see Oakmead Herbarium Vascular Plant List).
πŸ”΄ Quercus garryana FA56  
πŸ”΄ Quercus imbricaria FA56  
πŸ”΄ Quercus nigra FA56 See, however, the Quercus nigra hybrids on campus.
πŸ”΄ Sambucus callicarpa RB73, RB84  
πŸ”΄ Sciadopitys verticillata GGG13, GGG50s   
πŸ”΄ Sorbus aucuparia FA37  
🟠 Taxodium distichum GGG09, GGG13, AW38, RB73, TOS84 Angel of Grief specimen removed sometime 1984–2003. Two noble specimens discovered on campus in 2023, however.
πŸ”΄ Taxodium mucronatum GGG09, GGG13, AW38 2003 survey note: Arboretum tree lost; doubtful report of individual in residential area, RB03. Considered by some to be T. distichum var. mexicanum (TOS24).
πŸ”΄ Thujopsis dolobrata GGG13, FA37, AW38, FA56  
πŸ”΄ Thujopsis dolobrata ‘Variegata’ GGG13 Kingscote Gardens Apts
πŸ”΄ Tilia tomentosa FA56 Several β€˜Sterling’ are in Palo Alto along the California Ave business district, for example, planted 2009.
πŸ”΄ Torreya californica GGG09, GGG13, GGG50s, SSHT77, TOS84, RB73, RB84  
πŸ”΄ Ulmus americana RB73, RB84, Elm location map Maps & Records Record Group ML0146. All the remaing large-leaved elms are threatened.
πŸ”΄ Ulmus glabra RB73, RB84, Elm location map Maps & Records Record Group ML0146. All the remaing large-leaved elms are threatened.
🟒 Ulmus minor RB73, RB84, Elm location map Maps & Records Record Group ML0146. 2003 survey note: All the remaing large-leaved elms are threatened.
Several are along Salvatierra St; see clonal colonies on campus and Jasper Ridge as well (TOS24).
πŸ”΄ Viburnum suspensum    
🟒 Vitex agnus-castus Olmsted 1891 Planting Plan Two at Stern Hall between Larkin West and Donner. One at 683 Alvarado Row (Coronado Ave side)/
πŸ”΄ Vitex negundo AW38 Arboretum, 8 feet high, est. 15 years old
πŸ”΄ Yucca brevifolia AW38 AW38 reported 2 Stanford specimens: Arizona Garden (8 feet high, est 35 years old), another near creek bank, Stanford Convalescent Home.