Fabaceae (pea family) Neltuma

Neltuma glandulosa honey mesquite

Central US to Mexico
Prosopis glandulosa (syn.)
Honey mesquite at Carnegie Institute. Sairus Patel, 12 Jan 2019
Honey mesquite in flower, Carnegie Institute. Sairus Patel, 2 Jun 2022

This tree with drooping branchlets vaguely resembles the pepper tree, Schinus molle. A fine 15-foot specimen grows at the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Plant Biology on Panama Street, behind the Keck Laboratories next to a redwood.

Honey mesquite. John Rawlings, ca. 2005

Illustrations: detail from Forest Trees of the Pacific Slope, George B. Sudworth, USDA, 1908.

About this Entry: The main text of this entry is from the book Trees of Stanford and Environs, by Ronald Bracewell, published 2005. Scientific name updated, range edited (Dec 2023, SP).