Fouquieria columnaris
boojum tree
A prickly, green-trunked succulent with creamy flowers and leaves that fall off, leaving spines behind. An alternative genus name is Idria.
A handsome, 9-foot, unbranched column stands near the southern edge of the Arizona Garden, between the tree yucca and the floss silk tree. One of the first specimens planted at the start of the garden’s restoration, it was about 18 inches tall in 1999. Flowers were seen forming a little crown in 2023.
Other taller, branching specimens in the Arizona Garden didn’t survive: one near the other tree yucca was removed in 2004. Another, transplanted from a residence in San Jose in 2003 to a spot just outside the southern edge of the garden struggled to be established. It was removed in 2017.

About this Entry: The main text of this entry is from the book Trees of Stanford and Environs, by Ronald Bracewell, published 2005. John Rawlings added the removal/transplant details. Light edits (Sep 2018, SP). Oldest specimen location added; rest of entry revised (Apr 2023, SP).