Acacia pravissima
Ovens wattle

A small tree with slender weeping branches clothed with half-moon shaped phyllodes about ¼ to ½ inch long with a tiny mucro at the tip. The phyllodes resemble those of A. cultriformis but are clear green, not gray. There is a gland on the curved edge of the leaf, near the base.
A 20-foot specimen that flowered profusely from late winter until early summer died at age 30 (not unusual for wattles) in the Stanford Avenue greenbelt. Professor Ron Bracewell visited its native haunts in the Ovens Valley and found abundant plants, few over 8 feet. As is noticeable elsewhere, a species that is a specialist at occupying a locally restricted, diffcult habitat may excel in other places where protected from competition.
Name derivation: Acacia – Greek akis, a sharp point; pravissima – crooked (the phyllodes).
About this Entry: The main text of this entry is from the book Trees of Stanford and Environs, by Ronald Bracewell, published 2005. Bonair locations added (2014, JR). Bonair locations moved to new A. vestita entry (Mar 2023, SP). Minor edits (Feb 2024, SP).