Articles and Records

Stanford Botany & Landscape History
In the Media
Horticultural Information
Main References for Tree Entries

Stanford Botany & Landscape History

In the Media

Brief Chronology of Stanford’s Early Landscaping

Horticultural Information

Main References for New Tree Entries

Newly written or revised entries in the Tree Encyclopedia use the following references, among others. Ronald Bracewell’s 2005 book serves as a primary reference for some historical tree locations.


These comprise mostly unpublished material, including manuscripts and maps.

Ronald Bracewell Collection

John Thomas/Division of Systematic Botany Papers

Arboretum folder (see also Plant list folder)

Plant list folder

Albert Wilson Papers

University Archives

Other sources

Also see: Historical Maps and Plans of Stanford.


For additional online tree books try:
The Core Historical Literature of Agriculture (Cornell U.)
The Online Books Page
ProQuest Ebook Central (SU login)


Dictionaries/Manuals/North America

Stanford, Palo Alto, Bay Area

California and Pacific States

Other US Regional/City



For current news on family standings: Angiosperm Phylogeny Group.
For current news on California taxa on the species level: Index to California Plant Names (University and Jepson Herbaria).

Notes on selected genera and species