Livistona australis
Australian cabbage palm
Similar to the Washingtonia palms in having fan-style leaves, the Australian cabbage palm in the outer northeast island of the Inner Quad is conveniently placed for comparison with the California fan palms in the same island. The leaf stalks are spiny.
This specimen was long identified as L. chinensis, starting from the earliest record this website has of it, W. M. MacDonald’s 1955 “Checklist of Trees and Shrubs of the Inner Quad” (see previous versions of the Inner Quad tree map). However, in 2015 it was determined to be L. australis.
Illustrations: gallery.
About this Entry: The introductory paragraph is based on the L. chinensis entry in the book Trees of Stanford and Environs, by Ronald Bracewell, published 2005. Family name updated from Palmae to Arecaceae; identification of the Inner Quad specimen corrected to L. australis Oct 2015 (Sairus Patel, ref. Jason Dewees).