Spiraea prunifolia
bridal wreath spiraea
Erect shrubs with arched branches. Leaves ovate-elliptic to 1.5 in long, incised-serrate in upper half, sometimes lobed; flowers small and white, in umbels. Bridal wreath is planted at Rains Houses.
There is an old planting of Japanese spiraea (Spiraea nipponica) at the northwest corner of Lagunita Court facing Santa Teresa St. Its firm leaves are distinctively blue-green and the umbel-like inflorescence is subtended by a tiny bract; in flower later April 2007.
Illustrations: gallery.
Name derivation: Spiraea – from Gk. speira, wreath; prunifolia – with leaves like plum.
About this Entry: John Rawlings authored the main text of this entry ca. 2007. Title changed to mention only S. prunifolia; minor edits (Jan 2024, SP).