Fagaceae (beech family) Quercus

Quercus rugosa netleaf oak

Arizona to Texas, Mexico to Honduras
Netleaf oak on Serra Street. Sairus Patel, 13 Sep 2024

Clusters of new leaves emerge a glowing ruby on these leathery-leaved oaks, giving the impression of rich red flowers dotting the crowns. The species name means wrinkled, describing the leaf surface. Turn a leaf over to appreciate the pale undersides cloaked with hairs ranging from near-white to gold. An enchanting network of prominent veins spreads over the leaf undersides, giving the common name.

Where Serra Street approaches the Campus Drive intersection, see seven netleaf oaks at the curb and in the median. A younger tree is in Lathrop Park, at the top of the hillock opposite 809 Lathrop Drive, near the pair of ponderosa pines (map pin). Another is near the greenbelt south of 40 Peter Coutts Circle (map pin).


About this Entry: Authored Sep 2024 by Sairus Patel. Additional locations (Feb 2025, SP).