Fagaceae (beech family) Quercus

Quercus cerris Turkey oak

Central & Southern Europe
Turkey oak
Quercus cerris near San Francisquito Creek. Sairus Patel, 9 Oct 2018
Turkey oak leaf
Branchlet of Quercus cerris. John Rawlings

This fast-growing deciduous oak has dark furrowed bark and 4-inch irregularly lobed leaves, shiny green above and lighter below. A 40-foot specimen grows in the greenbelt between San Francisquito Creek and Sand Hill Road, about 45 yards toward El Camino Real from London Plane Way and 35 yards in from the bike path (map pin).

About this Entry: The main text of this entry is from the book Trees of Stanford and Environs, by Ronald Bracewell, published 2005.