Philadelphus pubescens
hoary mock orange
Southeast US

Flowers and opposite leaves of Philadelphus pubescens, north wall of the restroom behind Inner Quad Building 40. Sairus Patel, 21 May 2019

Philadelphus pubescens, north wall of the restroom behind Inner Quad Building 40. John Rawlings, ca. 2005
Shrub to six feet high, north wall of the restroom behind Inner Quad Building 40, with Cornus capitata, and about six plants near the SE corner of Roble Hall a few yards from Lane L. The Roble Hall shrubs were removed Spring 2010 for unknown reasons.
Fragile, fragrant white flowers in May–June. Philadelphus pubescens is shown on the earliest planting guide to the Inner Quad, which is undated but based on nomenclature I estimate it from the first decade of the 20th century.
Illustrations: leaf & flower | flower.
About this Entry: John Rawlings authored the main text of this entry ca. 2005, and updated it ca. 2010. Family updated from Philadelphaceae to Hydrangeaceae Jul 2019 (SP).