Laburnum ‘Pendulum’ weeping goldenchain tree
Laburnum ‘Pendulum’ (referring to the drooping branchlets) was planted at the back of Tresidder Union in Fall 2005. Another specimen was planted at Lake House.
Laburnum × watereri ‘Vossii’ was also planted at the same time, also in a planting circle, just outside the back patio of Tresidder in the paved path to the back entrance of the Faculty Club. Another replaced a mayten tree in an island off Lasuen Mall just north of Centennial Fountain (replaced by Michelia doltsopa in Spring, 2013). The memorial stone at its base read “In memory of James Baillieu 1948–1972. We sought peace, may others find it here.” Voss’s goldenchain is a hybrid of L. anagyroides and L. alpinum.
Leaves are distinctive, alternately arranged and trifoliate. All campus specimens wore their showy yellow bloom beginning June 1, 2006. All have been removed with the possible exception of the Lake House specimen.
About this Entry: John Rawlings authored the main text of this entry ca. 2005 and updated it ca. 2013. Weeping form’s name changed to L. ‘Pendulum’, since it’s been variously recorded as L. anagyroides ‘Pendula’, L. ‘Pendula’, and Laburnum × watereri ‘Pendula’; light edits (Aug 2023, SP). Title changed to L. ‘Pendulum’ (Jan 2024, SP).