Juniperus sabina ‘Tamariscifolia’
tamarisk juniper
A widely planted low and spreading groundcover, J. sabina ‘Tamariscifolia’ covers a large area between the lawn south of Jane Stanford Way and the entrance to the Quad at Palm Drive, threading together the Platycladus orientalis at each side of the entry stairs. The basic landscape pattern of this area that we see today is present on Dirk Schroder’s 1968 Quad Planting Map (Maps and Records, ML0148).
Common juniper can be seen in the cement planters near the entrance of the east entrance of Green Library.
Name derivation: Juniperus – Latin name for juniper; sabina – Latin name Savin; ‘Tamariscifolia’ – tamarix-leaved.
About this Entry: Authored by John Rawlings ca. 2006. Light edits (May 2023, SP). J. sabina is now the only taxon in the heading (Jan 2024, SP).