Oleaceae (olive family) Jasminum

Jasminum polyanthum pink jasmine

Jasminum polyanthum, SEQ. John Rawlings, 20 Mar 2006

Vine, evergreen, dense clusters of extremely fragrant flowers in spring, white inside and rose-colored outside. Opposite pinnately-compound leaves of 5–7 leaflets, terminal leaflet larger than rest.

Governor’s corner, east side of Lyman and at Beefeater northwest side; Pampas Child Care Center; Wilbur Hall; SEQ northeast side of Cedar Terrace.

Jasminum polyanthum leaves and flower clusters. John Rawlings, ca. 2006

Related material: Stanford Grounds Plant Information Sheet. List No.16, page 8.

About this Entry: John Rawlings authored the main text of this entry ca. 2006.