Eucalyptus redunca
black marlock
Southwest Australia

Eucalyptus redunca flowers buds, leaves, and multiple trunks on the Eucalypt Walk. Sairus Patel, 12 Jul 2020
Two smaller multi-trunked mallees were on the Eucalypt Walk, in line with the southern end of Castaño, between the pathway along Campus Drive East and the curb (map pin). They were removed in 2023 for construction of a surface parking lot.
Opercula are long, conical or horn-shaped; stamens are lemon or (as in our former specimens) cream.

Eucalyptus redunca voucher. Courtesy of Prof. Matt Ritter and Robert F. Hoover Herbarium, Cal Poly State University
Illustrations: Mar 2022 street view (2 shorter mallees in center) | E. redunca gallery.
About this Entry: John Rawlings authored the main text of this entry ca. 2007. Minor edits; all locations verified (Jul 2020, SP). Locations noted as removed (Jan 2025, SP).