Eucalyptus intertexta
gum-barked coolibah

Two trees grow in the median of Campus Drive East near the road’s south barrel, 70 and 100 yards south of the Serra Street sidewalk. They are not shown on Ron Bracewell’s Eucalypt Walk. A desert tree from the center of Australia, it has vertically ribbed fruit; leaves lacking both oil glands and inner-marginal veins; inflorescence of both axillary umbels and terminal panicles. It was identified by Dr. Matt Ritter 7 May 2006 and vouchered in the Cal Poly Herbarium.
northerly specimen: UTM 10S 0574414 4142285
south specimen: UTM 10S 0574417 4142286
Illustrations: Bud and capsules | Buds | E. intertexta gallery.
Related material: Eucalyptus checklist.
About this Entry: John Rawlings authored the main text of this entry ca. 2007.