Myrtaceae (myrtle family) Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus crenulata Omeo gum

Eucalyptus crenulata. Ron Bracewell grove, Lasuen Street. Sairus Patel, 14 Aug 2020

A small tree of exceptional beauty, with its crown of finely scalloped pairs of juvenile leaves, clusters of beaked buds in groups of 7–11, and warty twigs – all of which are coated with a white wax.

Three specimens of this rare species were planted in the Ron Bracewell grove just south of the vernal pond in February 2008. Large, paired juvenile leaves make up most of the crown, with a few of the more usual lance-shaped adult leaves alternately arranged at the ends of some branches. Stalkless fruit clusters nestle in the leaf axils. The bark is part rough and fibrous, part smooth and peeling.

Related material: Eucalyptus checklist.

About this Entry: Sairus Patel authored this entry Aug 2020.