Cupressaceae (cypress family) Cupressus

Cupressus cashmeriana Kashmir cypress

Eastern Himalaya
Cupressus cashmeriana, Santa Ynez Street. Sairus Patel, 10 Jan 2023

An exotic blue-green cypress with drooping branches and small ½-inch diameter cones (cf. C. funebris). See one in the small garden at the northeast corner of Santa Ynez Street and Cooksey Lane.

Past specimens: A 7-foot high specimen was planted in 2003 in the Kingscote Gardens front lawn. It did poorly; it was removed, as was its replacement. A third was planted near the same location in 2005. The ‘Himalaya Darjeelingensis’ cultivar was said to be planted near the Kingscote Garden pond in 2005, and another on the north side of the Arizona Garden in 2007. (A Guadalupe cypress is in both of these locations; perhaps there was a change in plans.)

Cupressus cashmeriana, Kingscote Gardens (now removed). John Rawlings, ca. 2005
Cupressus cashmeriana branchlet. From Trees of Stanford and Environs, Ronald Bracewell

Name derivation: Cupressus – classical Latin name for C. sempervirens; cashmeriana – of Kashmir.

About this Entry: The main text of this entry is from the book Trees of Stanford and Environs, by Ronald Bracewell, published 2005. John Rawlings documented the Kingscote replacements, and added the cultivar locations ca. 2008. Minor edits (Dec 2017, Sep 2018, SP). Santa Ynez location added; Guadalupe cypress noted (Apr 2024, SP).