Bignoniaceae (trumpet vine family) Clytostoma

Clytostoma callistegioides lavender trumpet vine

Bolivia to Uruguay
Bignonia callistegioides
Lavender trumpet vine flowers, leaves. Irene Beardsley, 25 Apr 2005

Vine, leaflets 1 or 2, elliptic-oblong, to 4 in. long, undulate, smooth; flowers showy tubular, to 3 in. long, corolla lavender, streaked violet. Rains Houses. Screening trash enclosure on west side of the John A. & Cynthia Fry Gunn Building (SIEPR).

Illustrations: gallery.

About this Entry: John Rawlings authored the main text of this entry ca. 2013. Minor edits (Oct 2024, SP).