Cistus × purpureus
rock rose
Shrub, 3 to 4 feet high and 4 to 8 feet wide. Simple, opposite, gray-green, crinkly, 2 inch long leaves with clasping petioles. Spring blooms, 2–3 inches across with dark spot at base of each petal, yellow center. Branchlets are glandular and fragrant (sticky), like those of Escallonia.
Kimball Hall and Chi Theta Chi, Panama parking lot, Ventuta Hall, Faculty Club, Lathrop Park, Buck Estate.
Cistus ‘Doris Hibberson’ is planted in Quad circles. Refer to Inner Quad tree map.
Related material: Stanford Grounds Plant Information Sheet. List No.11, page 9.
About this Entry: John Rawlings authored the main text of this entry ca. 2006.