Caesalpinia gilliesii yellow bird of paradise
A young tree planted in late 2003 about ½ inch in diameter and 5 feet tall, is centrally situated in the small lawn on the north side of the Bookstore. Another on the west side of Crothers Hall died in 2005. They are the same age, although the Crothers tree was planted several years before.
June 2008, the Bookstore yellow bird of paradise has been replaced by the small Meryta sinclairii originally set out in front of the Green Library’s Bing (West) Wing.
Illustrations: gallery.
Name derivation: Caesalpinia – after Andreas Caesalpini (1519–1603), Italian botanist; gilliesii – after John Gillies (1747–1836).
About this Entry: John Rawlings authored and updated the main text of this entry ca. 2005–2008.