Sapindaceae (soapberry family) Acer

Acer ginnala Amur maple

North-east Asia
Acer ginnala, Downtown Library, Palo Alto. Sairus Patel, 28 Jul 2023
Acer ginnala leaves and samaras. John Rawlings, c. 2004

Named for the Amur River that runs between eastern Siberia and Manchuria, this small, cold-weather maple has small toothed leaves (often only 2 inches long), two rather small side lobes, 1-inch keys, small fragrant flowers, and good fall color. Campus has lost our only specimens, a small group in the greenbelt by the path at the end of Casanueva Place. In Palo Alto see a shrubby specimen at the Downtown Library (270 Forest Ave), on the Ramona Street side.

About this Entry: The main text of this entry is from the book Trees of Stanford and Environs, by Ronald Bracewell, published 2005. Family name updated from Aceraceae to Sapindaceae (Oct 2017, SP). Removals noted (Jul 2023, SP). Palo Alto location added (May 2024, SP).