Acacia vestita hairy wattle
A gracefully weeping habit distinguishes this large shrub introduced on campus in recent years. Fuzzy phyllodes about ⅓ inch long, narrower than those of A. cultriformis, make stroking the delicate branchlets irresistible as one passes by. Bright yellow flowers smother the plants in February.
Several specimens were planted in 2013 on Campus Drive near the Knight Management Center garage ramp, opposite the Maples Pavilion parking lot. More were added in the Campus Drive median there. Several were planted in Manzanita Field after the construction of the new underground garage in 2021: some at the bike parking on Campus Drive, several around the underground ventilation structure on the south, among a throng of other fellow Australians.
Name derivation: Acacia – Greek akis, a sharp point; vestita – clothed (the hairy phyllodes).
About this Entry: Added Mar 2023 (SP).