Casuarina glauca
swamp she-oak

A tall specimen stood for a century next to the flame tree in the outer northwest island of the Inner Quad. A victim of oak root fungus, it was removed in 2003. The interesting fallen cone-like fruit, which are about ½ inch long, could sometimes be picked up there. There are about 14 to 16 leaf teeth at each joint of the needle-like branchlets and the segments are about ⅓ to ⅘ inch long. Two others trees, one small and one large, with 12 to 14 leaf teeth, are situated on the east of Palm Drive to the south of Arboretum Road. Leaf teeth and segment length are about right for C. glauca, but the trees may be a hybrid with C. cunninghamiana as one parent.
Related Material: Field Guide to Identify the Common Casuarina (Australian Pine) Species in Florida by William S. Castle offers excellent field identification advice.
About this Entry: The main text of this entry is from the book Trees of Stanford and Environs, by Ronald Bracewell, published 2005. First mentions of cones and needles changed to cone-like fruit and needle-like branchlets (Jan 2018, SP). Edits (Dec 2023, SP).