Viburnum tinus
Shrub, upright 6–12 feet high; opposite, leathery, dark green, simple 2–3 inch long leaves. Tight clusters of pink buds open to fragrant, white flowers fall to spring. Subject to thrips and mildew, which is frequently observed.
Manzanita Park; CIS; Amy Blue Garden; Serra Grove at Sequoia Hall; Mausoleum.
Illustrations: inflorescence.
Name derivation: Viburnum – a classical Latin name for one species of this genus, V. lantana, the so-called wayfaring tree.
Related material: Stanford Grounds Plant Information Sheet. List No.14, page 10.
About this Entry: John Rawlings authored the main text of this entry ca. 2005. Family updated from Caprifoliaceae to Adoxaceae (Nov 2019, SP). Family updated to Viburnaceae (May 2023, SP).