Salicaceae (willow family) Populus

Populus nigra ‘Italica’ Lombardy poplar

Europe to central Asia
Lombardy poplars, Lyman Commons. Sairus Patel, 1 Dec 2024

A tall narrow tree with branches growing almost straight up. The leaves are kite-shaped with finely toothed edges and flattened leaf stalks. The trees are genetically identical, cloned offspring of a male ancestor, propagated by cuttings that were brought to London from Tunisia in 1758 and introduced in Philadelphia in 1784. The roots will invade drain pipes or sewers if given a chance.

Lombardy poplars lined the path from Lyman Commons to the periphery of Governor’s Corner (2011 street view); two remain. A group grows on Sand Hill Road at Saga Lane, Menlo Park, opposite the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center entrance.

About this Entry: The main text of this entry is from the book Trees of Stanford and Environs, by Ronald Bracewell, published 2005. Lyman Commons location added (Dec 2024, SP).