Pinus coulteri
Coulter pine

Coulter pine is conspicuous by its large cones (it is often called bigcone pine) that may be over a foot long and are covered with long, wicked, incurving claws. The needles are in threes, about 9 inches long and have a deep bluish tinge. Coulter pine is widespread in the coast ranges of Southern California, but is also common in the Santa Lucia Mountains just south of Monterey, and reaches as far north as the Bay Area. The cone scales have a rather attractive two-tone coloration. Why this native has not been accorded more respect on campus is a mystery. It is named for the Irish botanist Thomas Coulter (1793–1843).
A mature specimen 40 feet west of the 1047 Campus Drive parking lot, among a group of P. halepensis, was removed around 2020. A handsome row of four is on the Starling Drive side of 10597 Baxter Ave, Los Altos.
Name derivation: Pinus – Latin for pine; coulteri – after its discoverer Thomas Coulter (1793–1843), an Irish botanist and physician.
About this Entry: The main text of this entry is from the book Trees of Stanford and Environs, by Ronald Bracewell, published 2005. SAE (1047 Campus Drive) location noted as removed; Los Altos locations added (Nov 2024, SP).