Myrsine africana
African boxwood
Shrub, 3–10 feet tall, almost always seen as a low to medium-high trimmed hedge. Simple, alternate leaves (unlike Buxus species which are opposite) are ½ inch long, dark green, glossy, rounded, aromatic, and are densely arranged on their stems, which are dark, reddish in color. Grounds considers this shrub better suited than Buxus for Stanford soils and climate.
Low hedge at Galvez Mall at Crothers Way, near Green Library East; SW corner of Varian labs; north side of Maples Pavilion; and widely throughout Athletics complex.
Related material: Stanford Grounds Plant Information Sheet. List No.11, page 13.
About this Entry: John Rawlings authored the main text of this entry ca. 2008. Family updated to Primulaceae (Feb 2024, SP).