Berberis aquifolium Oregon grape
British Columbia to N. California
Mahonia aquifolium (syn.)
Shrub, upright to 6 ft, glossy green, 6–12 inch long, alternate, pinnately compound leaves, each with 5–9 3-inch long, spiny leaflets. New growth purplish or bronze color. Clusters of blue berries in fall. Along Galvez St., New Guinea Garden, Terman Engineering, Wolffson Grove (Garden behind Knight Bldg., Frost Amph. side), and other locations. Many Mahonia × media ‘Charity’ were planted in the New Guinea Garden in May, 2013. Some of the plants earlier identified as Mahonia aquifolium may also be Charity Mahonia.
Illustrations: compound leaf.
Related material: Stanford Grounds Plant Information Sheet. List No.10, page 13.
About this Entry: John Rawlings authored the text ca. 2006.