Luma apiculata
Chilean myrtle
This charming orange-barked large shrub or small tree is a newcomer to campus, fitting well in the 2020 Chile-themed garden in front of the ChEM-H and Neurosciences complex, on Campus Drive. Two are in front of the monkey puzzle tree (Neurosciences side), and four behind the trio of Chilean wine palms (ChEM-H side). They have been allowed to be large sprawling shrubs with many trunks each and would benefit from being pruned to showcase the warm, finely peeling bark. Its leaves are similar to those of common myrtle, about ¾ inch long and arranged in pairs. The white flowers are scented and develop into deep purple, berry-like fruit, which are quite delicious. The leaves, when crushed, have the same distinctive fragrance as the ripe fruit. The plan had been to use mayten trees in those spots. It isn’t clear what led to the substitution, but campus tree diversity is better for it.
About this Entry: Authored Dec 2024 by Sairus Patel.