Ligustrum japonicum
Japanese privet, waxleaf privet
N. China, Korea, Japan
Shrub, usually seen as a low hedge to 6 feet tall; opposite, glossy, dark green, simple 2–4 inch long leaves. Shearing often removes buds/flowers. Also used as topiary (e.g., Math Court near Albizia julibrissin). A low growing cultivar ‘Texanum’ is widely planted around bike racks. One of the hardiest and most used woody plants on campus; it is, like India hawthorn, ubiquitous.
Other locations: Lasuen Mall at Green Library and School of Education; between Green and Meyer libraries; Tresidder Union; Humanities Center south side.
Related material: Stanford Grounds Plant Information Sheet. List No.14, p.5.
About this Entry: John Rawlings authored the text.