Elaeocarpaceae (elaeocarpus family) Elaeocarpus

Elaeocarpus decipiens Japanese blueberry tree

Eastern Asia
Japanese blueberry tree, Gould House. Sairus Patel, 6 Dec 2024

Shrub or tree to 30–60 feet tall and 20–30 feet wide, with densely branched upright habit. See two at Gould House (575 Salvatierra Street) near the front steps. Others were planted in 2006 on the Kingscote Gardens side of the grove (Kennedy Grove) between the Bowman Humanities Center and Faculty Club but were removed at some point. Mature specimens grow around the duck pond near Palo Alto’s Baylands Center.

About this Entry: John Rawlings authored the main text of this entry ca. 2007. Gould House locations added (Dec 2024, SP).